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The internal gl variable holds the current WebGL context.

var gl;

var GL = {


GL.create() creates a new WebGL context and augments it with more methods. The alpha channel is disabled by default because it usually causes unintended transparencies in the canvas.

  create: function(options) {
    options = options || {};
    var canvas = document.createElement('canvas');
    canvas.width = 800;
    canvas.height = 600;
    if (!('alpha' in options)) options.alpha = false;
    try { gl = canvas.getContext('webgl', options); } catch (e) {}
    try { gl = gl || canvas.getContext('experimental-webgl', options); } catch (e) {}
    if (!gl) throw new Error('WebGL not supported');
    gl.HALF_FLOAT_OES = 0x8D61;
    return gl;

GL.keys contains a mapping of key codes to booleans indicating whether that key is currently pressed.

  keys: {},

Export all external classes.

  Matrix: Matrix,
  Indexer: Indexer,
  Buffer: Buffer,
  Mesh: Mesh,
  HitTest: HitTest,
  Raytracer: Raytracer,
  Shader: Shader,
  Texture: Texture,
  Vector: Vector

Matrix stack

Implement the OpenGL modelview and projection matrix stacks, along with some other useful GLU matrix functions.

function addMatrixStack() {
  gl.MODELVIEW = ENUM | 1;
  var tempMatrix = new Matrix();
  var resultMatrix = new Matrix();
  gl.modelviewMatrix = new Matrix();
  gl.projectionMatrix = new Matrix();
  var modelviewStack = [];
  var projectionStack = [];
  var matrix, stack;
  gl.matrixMode = function(mode) {
    switch (mode) {
      case gl.MODELVIEW:
        matrix = 'modelviewMatrix';
        stack = modelviewStack;
      case gl.PROJECTION:
        matrix = 'projectionMatrix';
        stack = projectionStack;
        throw new Error('invalid matrix mode ' + mode);
  gl.loadIdentity = function() {
  gl.loadMatrix = function(m) {
    var from = m.m, to = gl[matrix].m;
    for (var i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
      to[i] = from[i];
  gl.multMatrix = function(m) {
    gl.loadMatrix(Matrix.multiply(gl[matrix], m, resultMatrix));
  gl.perspective = function(fov, aspect, near, far) {
    gl.multMatrix(Matrix.perspective(fov, aspect, near, far, tempMatrix));
  gl.frustum = function(l, r, b, t, n, f) {
    gl.multMatrix(Matrix.frustum(l, r, b, t, n, f, tempMatrix));
  gl.ortho = function(l, r, b, t, n, f) {
    gl.multMatrix(Matrix.ortho(l, r, b, t, n, f, tempMatrix));
  gl.scale = function(x, y, z) {
    gl.multMatrix(Matrix.scale(x, y, z, tempMatrix));
  gl.translate = function(x, y, z) {
    gl.multMatrix(Matrix.translate(x, y, z, tempMatrix));
  gl.rotate = function(a, x, y, z) {
    gl.multMatrix(Matrix.rotate(a, x, y, z, tempMatrix));
  gl.lookAt = function(ex, ey, ez, cx, cy, cz, ux, uy, uz) {
    gl.multMatrix(Matrix.lookAt(ex, ey, ez, cx, cy, cz, ux, uy, uz, tempMatrix));
  gl.pushMatrix = function() {
  gl.popMatrix = function() {
    var m = stack.pop();
    gl[matrix].m = hasFloat32Array ? new Float32Array(m) : m;
  gl.project = function(objX, objY, objZ, modelview, projection, viewport) {
    modelview = modelview || gl.modelviewMatrix;
    projection = projection || gl.projectionMatrix;
    viewport = viewport || gl.getParameter(gl.VIEWPORT);
    var point = projection.transformPoint(modelview.transformPoint(new Vector(objX, objY, objZ)));
    return new Vector(
      viewport[0] + viewport[2] * (point.x * 0.5 + 0.5),
      viewport[1] + viewport[3] * (point.y * 0.5 + 0.5),
      point.z * 0.5 + 0.5
  gl.unProject = function(winX, winY, winZ, modelview, projection, viewport) {
    modelview = modelview || gl.modelviewMatrix;
    projection = projection || gl.projectionMatrix;
    viewport = viewport || gl.getParameter(gl.VIEWPORT);
    var point = new Vector(
      (winX - viewport[0]) / viewport[2] * 2 - 1,
      (winY - viewport[1]) / viewport[3] * 2 - 1,
      winZ * 2 - 1
    return Matrix.inverse(Matrix.multiply(projection, modelview, tempMatrix), resultMatrix).transformPoint(point);

Immediate mode

Provide an implementation of OpenGL's deprecated immediate mode. This is depricated for a reason: constantly re-specifying the geometry is a bad idea for performance. You should use a GL.Mesh instead, which specifies the geometry once and caches it on the graphics card. Still, nothing beats a quick gl.begin(gl.POINTS); gl.vertex(1, 2, 3); gl.end(); for debugging. This intentionally doesn't implement fixed-function lighting because it's only meant for quick debugging tasks.

function addImmediateMode() {
  var immediateMode = {
    mesh: new Mesh({ coords: true, colors: true, triangles: false }),
    mode: -1,
    coord: [0, 0, 0, 0],
    color: [1, 1, 1, 1],
    pointSize: 1,
    shader: new Shader('\
      uniform float pointSize;\
      varying vec4 color;\
      varying vec4 coord;\
      void main() {\
        color = gl_Color;\
        coord = gl_TexCoord;\
        gl_Position = gl_ModelViewProjectionMatrix * gl_Vertex;\
        gl_PointSize = pointSize;\
    ', '\
      uniform sampler2D texture;\
      uniform float pointSize;\
      uniform bool useTexture;\
      varying vec4 color;\
      varying vec4 coord;\
      void main() {\
        gl_FragColor = color;\
        if (useTexture) gl_FragColor *= texture2D(texture, coord.xy);\
  gl.pointSize = function(pointSize) {
    immediateMode.shader.uniforms({ pointSize: pointSize });
  gl.begin = function(mode) {
    if (immediateMode.mode != -1) throw new Error('mismatched gl.begin() and gl.end() calls');
    immediateMode.mode = mode;
    immediateMode.mesh.colors = [];
    immediateMode.mesh.coords = [];
    immediateMode.mesh.vertices = [];
  gl.color = function(r, g, b, a) {
    immediateMode.color = (arguments.length == 1) ? r.toArray().concat(1) : [r, g, b, a || 1];
  gl.texCoord = function(s, t) {
    immediateMode.coord = (arguments.length == 1) ? s.toArray(2) : [s, t];
  gl.vertex = function(x, y, z) {
    immediateMode.mesh.vertices.push(arguments.length == 1 ? x.toArray() : [x, y, z]);
  gl.end = function() {
    if (immediateMode.mode == -1) throw new Error('mismatched gl.begin() and gl.end() calls');
      useTexture: !!gl.getParameter(gl.TEXTURE_BINDING_2D)
    }).draw(immediateMode.mesh, immediateMode.mode);
    immediateMode.mode = -1;

Improved mouse events

This adds event listeners on the gl.canvas element that call gl.onmousedown(), gl.onmousemove(), and gl.onmouseup() with an augmented event object. The event object also has the properties x, y, deltaX, deltaY, and dragging.

function addEventListeners() {
  var context = gl, oldX = 0, oldY = 0, buttons = {}, hasOld = false;
  var has = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;
  function isDragging() {
    for (var b in buttons) {
      if (has.call(buttons, b) && buttons[b]) return true;
    return false;
  function augment(original) {

Make a copy of original, a native MouseEvent, so we can overwrite WebKit's non-standard read-only x and y properties (which are just duplicates of pageX and pageY). We can't just use Object.create(original) because some MouseEvent functions must be called in the context of the original event object.

    var e = {};
    for (var name in original) {
      if (typeof original[name] == 'function') {
        e[name] = (function(callback) {
          return function() {
            callback.apply(original, arguments);
      } else {
        e[name] = original[name];
    e.original = original;
    e.x = e.pageX;
    e.y = e.pageY;
    for (var obj = gl.canvas; obj; obj = obj.offsetParent) {
      e.x -= obj.offsetLeft;
      e.y -= obj.offsetTop;
    if (hasOld) {
      e.deltaX = e.x - oldX;
      e.deltaY = e.y - oldY;
    } else {
      e.deltaX = 0;
      e.deltaY = 0;
      hasOld = true;
    oldX = e.x;
    oldY = e.y;
    e.dragging = isDragging();
    e.preventDefault = function() {
    e.stopPropagation = function() {
    return e;
  function mousedown(e) {
    gl = context;
    if (!isDragging()) {

Expand the event handlers to the document to handle dragging off canvas.

      on(document, 'mousemove', mousemove);
      on(document, 'mouseup', mouseup);
      off(gl.canvas, 'mousemove', mousemove);
      off(gl.canvas, 'mouseup', mouseup);
    buttons[e.which] = true;
    e = augment(e);
    if (gl.onmousedown) gl.onmousedown(e);
  function mousemove(e) {
    gl = context;
    e = augment(e);
    if (gl.onmousemove) gl.onmousemove(e);
  function mouseup(e) {
    gl = context;
    buttons[e.which] = false;
    if (!isDragging()) {

Shrink the event handlers back to the canvas when dragging ends.

      off(document, 'mousemove', mousemove);
      off(document, 'mouseup', mouseup);
      on(gl.canvas, 'mousemove', mousemove);
      on(gl.canvas, 'mouseup', mouseup);
    e = augment(e);
    if (gl.onmouseup) gl.onmouseup(e);
  function reset() {
    hasOld = false;
  function resetAll() {
    buttons = {};
    hasOld = false;
  on(gl.canvas, 'mousedown', mousedown);
  on(gl.canvas, 'mousemove', mousemove);
  on(gl.canvas, 'mouseup', mouseup);
  on(gl.canvas, 'mouseover', reset);
  on(gl.canvas, 'mouseout', reset);
  on(document, 'contextmenu', resetAll);

Automatic keyboard state

The current keyboard state is stored in GL.keys, a map of integer key codes to booleans indicating whether that key is currently pressed. Certain keys also have named identifiers that can be used directly, such as GL.keys.SPACE. Values in GL.keys are initially undefined until that key is pressed for the first time. If you need a boolean value, you can cast the value to boolean by applying the not operator twice (as in !!GL.keys.SPACE).

function mapKeyCode(code) {
  var named = {
    8: 'BACKSPACE',
    9: 'TAB',
    13: 'ENTER',
    16: 'SHIFT',
    27: 'ESCAPE',
    32: 'SPACE',
    37: 'LEFT',
    38: 'UP',
    39: 'RIGHT',
    40: 'DOWN'
  return named[code] || (code >= 65 && code <= 90 ? String.fromCharCode(code) : null);

function on(element, name, callback) {
  element.addEventListener(name, callback);

function off(element, name, callback) {
  element.removeEventListener(name, callback);

on(document, 'keydown', function(e) {
  if (!e.altKey && !e.ctrlKey && !e.metaKey) {
    var key = mapKeyCode(e.keyCode);
    if (key) GL.keys[key] = true;
    GL.keys[e.keyCode] = true;

on(document, 'keyup', function(e) {
  if (!e.altKey && !e.ctrlKey && !e.metaKey) {
    var key = mapKeyCode(e.keyCode);
    if (key) GL.keys[key] = false;
    GL.keys[e.keyCode] = false;

function addOtherMethods() {

Multiple contexts

When using multiple contexts in one web page, gl.makeCurrent() must be called before issuing commands to a different context.

  (function(context) {
    gl.makeCurrent = function() {
      gl = context;


Call gl.animate() to provide an animation loop that repeatedly calls gl.onupdate() and gl.ondraw().

  gl.animate = function() {
    var post =
      window.requestAnimationFrame ||
      window.mozRequestAnimationFrame ||
      window.webkitRequestAnimationFrame ||
      function(callback) { setTimeout(callback, 1000 / 60); };
    var time = new Date().getTime();
    var context = gl;
    function update() {
      gl = context;
      var now = new Date().getTime();
      if (gl.onupdate) gl.onupdate((now - time) / 1000);
      if (gl.ondraw) gl.ondraw();
      time = now;


Provide an easy way to get a fullscreen app running, including an automatic 3D perspective projection matrix by default. This should be called once.

Just fullscreen, no automatic camera:

gl.fullscreen({ camera: false });

Adjusting field of view, near plane distance, and far plane distance:

gl.fullscreen({ fov: 45, near: 0.1, far: 1000 });

Adding padding from the edge of the window:

gl.fullscreen({ paddingLeft: 250, paddingBottom: 60 });
  gl.fullscreen = function(options) {
    options = options || {};
    var top = options.paddingTop || 0;
    var left = options.paddingLeft || 0;
    var right = options.paddingRight || 0;
    var bottom = options.paddingBottom || 0;
    if (!document.body) {
      throw new Error('document.body doesn\'t exist yet (call gl.fullscreen() from ' +
        'window.onload() or from inside the <body> tag)');
    document.body.style.overflow = 'hidden';
    gl.canvas.style.position = 'absolute';
    gl.canvas.style.left = left + 'px';
    gl.canvas.style.top = top + 'px';
    function resize() {
      gl.canvas.width = window.innerWidth - left - right;
      gl.canvas.height = window.innerHeight - top - bottom;
      gl.viewport(0, 0, gl.canvas.width, gl.canvas.height);
      if (options.camera || !('camera' in options)) {
        gl.perspective(options.fov || 45, gl.canvas.width / gl.canvas.height,
          options.near || 0.1, options.far || 1000);
      if (gl.ondraw) gl.ondraw();
    on(window, 'resize', resize);

A value to bitwise-or with new enums to make them distinguishable from the standard WebGL enums.

var ENUM = 0x12340000;